Dreams Come True

About the book
From the Introduction:
Aren’t you tired? Isn’t it exhausting, always settling instead of excelling? Are you living your dream life, where you wake up most mornings excited for the day? Or, do you drag along, serving out a life-sentence in an unrewarding job, or in unappreciated relationships? Do you feel disconnected from God, your life lacking inspiration and joy? Perhaps you even feel overwhelmed, burdened by life’s pressures and obstacles. There has to be something more.
This book will guide you through a process, illustrated with lessons of spiritual teachers and life experiences, to recognize and live God’s dream for you. This process follows an organizational development model called Appreciative Inquiry. Although this model is typically used in corporations and in educational support services, this book applies it in guiding you to a more abundant life, a life that brings you joy, a life that brings joy to others in need.
In a time when it's easy to settle for what the world offers, Dreams Come True provides a higher standard. James Walters guides the reader through concrete, time-proven methods for discerning the unique call that God has for each of us.
Dreams Come True isn't just written, it's curated. So many voices, so much wisdom, all opening us up to God's possibilities. It's perfect for those who stand overwhelmed before the wholeness of life ahead, and for those of us about to turn 60 who are still wondering what we're going to be when we grow up
In a world that subtlety tempts us to believe that we are neither loveable nor loved, James Walters offers us an invitation to discover otherwise. By guiding us on an inner journey of self-discovery and helping us to encounter the saving, healing love of God, we rediscover the liberating truth that God invites us to dream deeply, to live in hope and to change the world with courage and purpose.