Theological reflections at a recent Marquette University gathering
Mindfulness is often associated with meditation or breathing exercises, but from the perspective of the Spirituality of Unity, it is about attentiveness to the presence of God in every moment.
The growth of the movement in the ecumenical field; friendships with Archbishop Ramsey and Patriarch Athenagoras; women religious; Gen 3 and New Humanity
Courage and Charisma
An interview with Focolare President Margaret Karram
What the Focolare Is All About
Chiara Lubich explains the essence of Focolare's spirituality
Dignitas Infinita and Focolare Spirituality
How the Focolare spirituality of unity is helping me understand the new Vatican document
“Drawn to disunity like a magnet”
An interview with Fr. Patrick Gilger, SJ

Building Unity One Meal at a Time
“He had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” (Lk. 24:35)