Blessed Chiara Badano

About the book
Everyone wants to be happy, but very few people learn the secrets to happiness. Chiara Badano discovered those secrets at a young age, and lived them every day. Even when she was stricken with illness, those simple secrets kept her happy, and made her happiness contagious. Chiara Badano's legacy lives on and has spread throughout the world, inspiring young and old to learn her secrets and to put them into practice. Counted among the blessed, she can show us how to be happy, and how to make others happy, too.
For the first time, the life of Blessed Chiara Badano is narrated for a young audience, with beautiful illustrations showing the key moments of her spiritual journey.
Third Place 2022 Excellence in Publishing Award from the Association of Catholic Publishers (Children's Books: Teens category).
Blessed Chiara Badano: Her Secrets to Happiness, is an invitation to all, especially to young people, to discover the beauty of a deep relationship with God in the present moment and the joy of serving others even during one’s own trials
The story of Chiara Luce Badano is the story of the next generation of saints. Young and old alike will be inspired by the story of a saintly teenager who gave her life to others and offered up her suffering. In a saddened and depressed world, we need Chiara’s secrets to happiness. She shines as a bright light in the midst of darkness.
Every child will see a bit of themselves in Chiara and realize the rewards of living life with an eye on Jesus
Geraldine Guadagno captures the spirit of Blessed Chiara's simple yet profound spirituality for a new generation to know and follow. Illustrated by Loretta Rauschuber, this book compellingly shares Chiara's light and love for a new generation of believers.
What a perfect little introduction to Bl. Chiara Badano! This short but thorough biography is so readable I flew through it in a day, and it comes nicely illustrated, for a bonus