The Donatist Controversy Vol. 1

About the book
Augustine's writings against the members of the "Donatist" church in North Africa contain his mature thought on the nature of the sacraments, the morality of the clergy, and the importance of mercy and charity in maintaining church unity. This volume contains the first new English translations of Augustine's writings against the Donatists in more than 100 years, and in the case of at least one writing there has never been an English translation until now. Augustine's responses to conflicts within the North African church remain surprisingly relevant to contemporary crises in Catholicism.
This Volume contains the following writings:
To the Catholic Members of the Church / On the Unity of the Church
Ad Catholicos fratres / De unitate ecclesiae
Answer to the Letter of Parmenian
Contra epistulam Parmeniani
Answer to the Letters of Petilian
Contra litteras Petiliani
De baptismo
This is a magnificent new translation, sure to be welcomed by readers of Augustine old and new. It is certainly worthy of a place among the great translations of this work, offering an eminently readable and accurate rendition. One forgets one is reading a translation -- isn’t that the goal of all great translating? Highly recommended.
This lucid translation of Augustine’s complicated Latin text, complemented by an expert introduction and helpful notes, is a remarkable achievement indeed. A new jewel in the crown of the meantime famous and worldwide highly appreciated series!