15 Days of Prayer with Chiara Lubich
Page Count
128 pages
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About the book
The 15 Days of Prayer with Chiara Lubich is a portrait of an extraordinary and holy woman whose deepest desire was to fulfill Jesus’ prayer: “That they all may be one.” Florence Gillet manages to find the way for Chiara to give of herself generously in the meditations and reflections contained in this book, so that many might come to know, understand, and embrace this collective way of holiness.
- "We need to enlarge our heart to the measure of the heart of Jesus. How much work that means! Yet this is the only thing necessary." Day 3
- "We must love our neighbors one by one, without holding in our heart any leftover affection for the brother or sister met a moment before." Day 3
- “It is in meeting you [Jesus forsaken], that we become another Mary.” Day 15
- “Whoever enters your infinite suffering finds, as if by magic, everything transformed into Love.” Day 12
- “When unity with our brothers and sisters is complete, when it has flowered anew and more fully from difficulties, then, as night fades into day, tears into light, often, I find you, Lord.” Day 9
Chiara Lubich was an extraordinary woman, an apostle of dialogue in ecumenism, in interreligious dialogue, and among people of no religious affiliation.
The charism of unity given to Chiara and the remarkable testimony of it she gave to the Church and humanity have proven to be well suited for our times. Translated by Bill Hartnett.
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