
About the book
Who deserves human rights? The answer to this question defines our character as individuals and as nations. This book is rooted in my conviction that we must stand against all forms of dehumanization and actively seek to rehumanize victims of violence. We must work to create a world where every human is respected in the culture, valued throughout their life in society, and protected in the law from all forms of violence
An extraordinary manuscript… Well done indeed! Aimee Murphy has managed to compile a powerful, in depth and scholarly work with extensive research beyond anything I have ever read on the issues. Clearly, it is not an easy read (how could it be otherwise?) and while I am not a scholar, I care very deeply about the core tenets at issue and I have spent a good deal of my adult life publicly advocating and defending them. I wish the success of this remarkable work!
This book is a must read for all serious human rights advocates. In an in-depth, comprehensive examination of the life issues in modern society through the lens of The Consistent Life Ethic, a philosophy whereby all humans have the right to live a dignified life free of violence, Murphy calls out both major political parties in the US for their selective (dare I say “inconsistent?) approaches to legalized violence, and connects all the dots with thoughtful evidence and research. Like-minded people who feel politically unhoused will find refuge in this passionate invitation to her organization, Rehumanize International, a movement dedicated to education, dialogue and action towards ending violence against humans while building a culture of life and peace. If you fancy yourself an honest defender of life, pick up this book. We have some serious work ahead of us.
A ‘Consistent Life Ethic’ is a concept that many have never heard about or considered, and if for no other reason this new book is a vital contribution to the public discourse. My work is to stop executions, and I always delight in the fact that opposition to capital punishment often unites people diametrically opposed to each others' positions on other ‘life’ issues. Aimee Murphy's book will help us all understand each other better, even if we are unwilling to adopt the ‘consistent life ethic’ on some of the life issues thoroughly examined herein
Thorough and engaging, Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All is fantastic. Aimee’s passion and zest for life jumps through the pages and calls readers to action to make positive change in our broken world
When you hear the words ‘pro-life,’ do you immediately think of a white male Republican legislator who is weirdly obsessed with sexual politics? Then you should meet Aimee Murphy, the badass, blue-haired, queer, Latina, disabled leader of the new pro-life generation. Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All shows in plain and powerful prose the freedom and confidence that come from embracing life — life, plain and simple! Life for every living being, full stop, no exceptions, no backing down. Buy a copy for everyone you know.
Aimee Murphy brings passion and honesty to this review of violence in our culture and politics, and how we can resist it by upholding a consistent ethic of life and respecting the dignity of all human beings. Let’s hope many hear and answer her call to counter violence with ‘connection, community, and rehumanization.
If, like me, you've found yourself diving deeper in recent years to issues of justice, human life and dignity, and the principles of nonviolence, Aimee's primer on the Consistent Life Ethic will no doubt be a convicting read. Transcending partisan politics and hyper-individualism, this book encourages us to examine our individual and collective consciences. Read it. Consider it. Wrestle with it. Discuss it. Let it strengthen your resolve to be your brother's and your sister's keeper
The great tragedy of our time has been the seduction of so many in the prolife movement into a false political agenda that pits the unborn against, rather than relates them to, all the other forms of human life God has made in his image and likeness. Aimee Murphy calls us back to the sanity of the Consistent Ethic of Life that the authentic gospel has always proclaimed. Thanks be to God for her work!
One of, if not the, best and most comprehensive writings on the Consistent Life Ethic to date. Aimee makes intellectual, yet easy-to-understand arguments. Thoroughly researched with fresh takes, both novices and veterans of the Consistent Life Ethic will benefit greatly from this book!
This book is a bold act of love. Aimee Murphy's genuine solidarity with every human being will inspire you to action.
Aimee Murphy asks the hard questions that test our commitment to protect human life and human dignity. Her primer is intelligent, instructive and incisive about these overlapping challenges we face in today's society.
The time has come for a revolution of the heart, and in her book Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All, Aimee Murphy shows the passion and provides the inspiration we all need for that revolution to begin within each and every one of us. Aimee has set about to build the foundation for a world that embraces the Consistent Life Ethic, and we are invited to join in, laying one brick at a time, taking one step at a time, toward a world where every human being is respected, valued, and protected.
The consistent ethic of life should figure prominently in every discussion about the morality of laws and practices that permit the intentional destruction of human life. But toxic political partisanship and shallow public discourse regularly suffocate it. This book can help restore the consistent ethic to its rightful place. You don't have to agree with its every thought or proposal to grasp its enormous value or its timeliness.