The Cube of Love (only phrases)

Cube of love phrases cover

The Cube of Love (only phrases)

Publication date
Cube of love phrases cover
    About the book

    A tool to help children concretely live the Gospel message of love, is an expression of the Gospel-based “art of loving.” On each face of the Cube there is a brief message that focuses the child’s efforts on caring for others.

    In addition to the Cube you can also order the official Instructional Guide: a booklet of 19 pages with instructions, reflections, educational goals, strategies, worksheets and many other resources for educators. 


    This version is only phrases.

    About the author

    The Focolare Movement, officially known as the Work of Mary, is now present in 182 nations, and more than 2 million people share closely in its life and work. It aims at spreading the message of unity worldwide. Inspired by Jesus’ prayer to the Father, “May they all be one” (Jn 17:21), its goal is to promote brotherhood and to achieve a more united world in which people respect and value diversity.